What is Design Thinking and why you need to learn it TODAY
Design Thinking in the most basic terms is applying the strategic thinking behind design using a human-centered approach. In a sense it flips the way creating products, companies, services, and anything you can think of has worked for many years. Instead of focusing on how you are going to create your next product it suggests that we should think about the people it is created for first. That’s right, no more “Build it and they will come”. With Design Thinking it’s more like: “Ok, Who are we solving the problem for?, What problem do our customers want to solve? What is the outcome our customers want to achieve?.” Once you know all that then you start building.
It may sound a bit obvious but we keep hearing from a lot of entrepreneurs that come to us and say “I have a great app idea!!!” but when you ask them how they think they are going to monetize it and more importantly who’s going to be giving them money at least 75% don’t have answers. That’s where Design Thinking can change their lives, save them TONS of time and money by building something somebody wants and is willing to pay for.
The main reason a lot of companies fail, it’s not because of a lack of hard work, good ideas or even having great budgets, it comes from a lack of paying customers. If you create something and from inception have a clear idea of the problem it’s solving and who for then most likely you are on the path to success, now you just have to let them know you have the solution to their problem.
For more on Design Thinking check out the incredible content we have for you here at Academy of Entrepreneurs.
You can subscribe to our 4 week online bootcamp starting June 10th here: https://aedesignthinkingbootcamp.eventbrite.com.au/
Or take the How to turn ANY idea into a Business course where you will learn all the basics of Design Thinking and how to apply it to your new business or start up here: