Student Handbook

Academy of Entrepreneurs Pty Ltd. is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Number 45013, (CRICOS Code 03545J).

Academy of Entrepreneurs aims to provide a fresh approach to delivering practical hands-on BSB50215 Diploma of Business and BSB60215 Advanced Diploma of Business for students who are seeking to enhance their work skills and career prospects (intrapreneurs) as well as being enabled to start their own business (entrepreneurs).

Company Image


ADDRESS: 53 Murray Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia

POSTAL  ADDRESS: Ground Level, 53 Murray Street, Pyrmont NSW 2009 Australia


+61 42 09 555 09

This Handbook

This information booklet is designed to provide you with information about the services provided by Academy of Entrepreneurs and our approach to providing you a safe, fair and supported environment to participate in training and assessment. This booklet does not provide you with specific information about a particular course offered by Academy of Entrepreneurs. This information is contained in our website

Academy of Entrepreneurs Pty Ltd. offers the following training programs to students:

Academy of Entrepreneurs is committed to delivering quality vocational education and training programs from a workplace perspective aimed at equipping people to effectively work in the business, where students develop both their understanding and practical skills to enable them to either continue their studies, seek work as an Intrapreneur or start their startup /company as an entrepreneur.

Academy of Entrepreneurs Mission

To disrupt education and create unstoppable leaders that are empowered and connected to tackle business & world issues.

Academy of Entrepreneurs Motto


Academy of Entrepreneurs Values

#BossYourFuture - Be the change you want to be / Take Action / Just Do it

Emotional Intelligence - Connect with yourself, so you can connect with the world and create impact

Community - Play as a Team

No hierarchy - 100% transparent, honest and humble

Academic Calendar

Academy of Entrepreneurs has timetabled suitable holidays for students undertaking vocational courses so students are not permitted to have additional holidays. Academy of Entrepreneurs closes on all official Federal and NSW Public Holidays.

2022 Academic Calendar - Diploma of Business

2022 Academic Calendar - Advanced Diploma of Business

Academy of Entrepreneurs Services and Facilities

Students can contact us via if they wish to:

  • Request information about enrolment & attendance
  • Pay tuition fees
  • Book social activities
  • Send scanned documents
  • Pick up parcels
  • Request information


There are a number of websites and resources to make finding shared or private accommodation in Sydney very easy.
In addition, Academy of Entrepreneurs can arrange accommodation for students who need assistance.
If you require us to arrange accommodation for you, please let us know at least 14 days before your arrival in Australia.
The 3 most popular websites for accommodation are:


Academy of Entrepreneurs has agent partners around the world that can assist you with your enrolment.
They will also help you prepare everything you need for your visa and travel plans.
Click here to access our list of agent partners.

Agent Management Policy

Academy of Entrepreneurs will appoint Education Agents to be non-exclusive representatives and to perform the services for the terms set out in an agreement referred to as an Agent Agreement.

Academy of Entrepreneurs enter and maintain the agent’s details in PRISMS and list the agents on the website.

Each Agreement will be a non-exclusive agreement and the agent acknowledges that Academy of Entrepreneurs may appoint other representatives as it so chooses.

The specific requirements of Academy of Entrepreneurs and the agent will be contained in a written agreement signed by both parties. The Agreement will include:

  • a statement that the Academy of Entrepreneurs is responsible at all times for compliance with the ESOS Act and National Code 2018;

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs’ processes for monitoring the activities of the agent in representing the provider, and ensuring the agent is giving students accurate and up-to-date information on the registered provider’s services;

  • the corrective action that may be taken by the Academy of Entrepreneurs if the agent does not comply with its obligations under the written agreement;

  • that where the Academy of Entrepreneurs becomes aware, or has reason to believe, that the agent, or an employee or subcontractor of the agent, has not complied with the agent’s responsibilities, the Academy of Entrepreneurs will take immediate corrective action;

  • that where the Academy of Entrepreneurs becomes aware, or has reason to believe, that the agent, or an employee or subcontractor of the agent, is engaging in false or misleading recruitment practices, the Academy of Entrepreneurs will immediately terminate its relationship with the agent or require the education agent to terminate its relationship with the employee or subcontractor who engaged in those practices;

  • the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ grounds for termination of the written agreement with the agent;

  • the circumstances under which information about the education agent may be disclosed by the registered provider and the Commonwealth or state or territory agencies

The Agreement will set out the following obligations of the Agent:

  • declare in writing and take reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interests with its duties as an education agent of the Academy of Entrepreneurs;

  • observe appropriate levels of confidentiality and transparency in their dealings with students or intending students;

  • act honestly and in good faith, and in the best interests of the student;

  • have appropriate knowledge and understanding of the international education system in Australia, including the Australian International Education and Training Agent Code of Ethics.

    The Academy of Entrepreneurs will not accept students from an agent if it knows or reasonably suspects the agent to be:

  • providing migration advice, unless that education agent is authorised to do so under the Migration Act;

  • engaged in, or to have previously engaged in, dishonest recruitment practices, including the deliberate attempt to recruit a student where this clearly conflicts with the obligations of registered providers under Standard 7 (Overseas student transfers)

  • facilitating the enrolment of a student who the education agent believes will not comply with the conditions of his or her visa

  • using PRISMS to create CoEs for other than bona fide students.

Monitoring Education Agents

The CEO will participate in a range of activities to monitor the activities of the education agent and ensure their practices are aligned with the obligations outlined above. Activities will include:

  • six-monthly telephone, skype or agent site visit; and

  • annual breakfast training.

Specifically, this engagement is to address the following points:

  • review of the agent’s recent activity and initiatives to promote the services of Academy of Entrepreneurs with integrity and accuracy;

  • review any changes to administrative processes internal to Academy of Entrepreneurs;

  • review any changes to marketing material or course information that impacts on the activities of the agent; and

  • discuss future course schedules and student capacity.

The outcomes of each meeting will be recorded and filed.


Getting around Sydney is very easy.
There is ample public transportation including buses, trains and taxis available and these services are clean, fast and safe.
For students requiring the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ assistance to arrange a pick up service from Sydney International Airport upon arrival, please let us know at least 14 days in advance.
Our friendly staff will help make sure you arrive safely at your accommodation (Fee: AU$ 200.00)

Assessment Policy

Academy of Entrepreneurs Legends are responsible to ensure that assessments are:

  • Submitted on time
  • Set out in an acceptable format and all questions/sections are answered
  • Their own work, appropriately referenced and not plagiarised

Please note that cheating or copying others assignments will be recorded as a ‘not competent’. As a result, you will fail and will have to re-enroll and pay for the unit. Please refer to the Student Fees Schedule on AE website.

It is important that you submit your assessments on time and progress through your course. We are required to report non-progression to immigration (Department of Home Affairs).

If an assessment is not submitted on time following the deadlines for each term, you will fail the unit and will be required to re-enroll and pay again for the unit.

Please refer to the Student Fees Schedule on Academy of Entrepreneurs' website

Late Submission Fee:

Assessment can still be submitted within two (2) weeks of the original submission due date, a late submission fee of AUD 100 will apply. Please refer to the Student Fees Schedule on Academy of Entrepreneurs' website

Assessment Submission Date Extension:

Where you cannot submit an assessment by the due date, you are required to submit the Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form 72hrs before the due date, along with independent supporting documents (i.e. Doctor’s Certificate). The Academic Manager will consider the request, and e-mail you the approval or rejection for the request. Please note that “I was busy with my business” or “I was on holidays” are not acceptable reasons for us to approve your request. Download the form from Academy of Entrepreneurs' website Submit the form by email to


  • All legends who fail an assessment are allowed to re-submit that assessment twice (2) after receiving the results. The re-submission fee is AUD 100 each time. Please refer to the Student Fees Schedule on Academy of Entrepreneurs' website
  • Students have the right to appeal the outcome of an assessment.
  • Resubmission deadline is two (2) weeks after the release of results. If an assessment resubmission is not submitted by the due date, you will fail the unit and will be required to re-enrol and pay again for the unit.

Release of Results:

Assessment results will be released by email within two (2) weeks of the submission date.

Assessment results will not be released in the following circumstances:

  • Outstanding tuition fees and penalty fees
  • Plagiarism investigation
  • Misconduct investigation



To open a bank account in Australia or get an ATM card with a PIN (Personal Identification Number) international students must have:

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs Certificate of Enrolment
  • Passport
  • Driver’s license, credit card or bill (if you have been in Australia longer than 4 weeks)
  • To get money sent from overseas, the easiest way is via direct transfer over the internet.

Banking hours:

Monday to Thursday: 9:30am to 4:00pm

Friday: 9:30am to 5:00pm

Behavior Misconduct Policy

Academy of Entrepreneurs seeks to provide an environment that is free from unacceptable behaviour and promotes a positive learning environment for all students.

This policy seeks to encourage acceptable behaviour and to inform all staff and students about Academy of Entrepreneurs’ standards of behaviour.

What is behaviour misconduct?

Behaviour misconduct is defined as actions that breach Academy of Entrepreneurs policies. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Breaches of Commonwealth or State law which impact on Academy of Entrepreneurs’ operations;

  • Behaviour that impairs the reasonable freedom of other persons (students) to pursue their studies and participate in the activities of Academy of Entrepreneurs;

  • Refusing or failing to identify themselves truthfully;

  • Any act or failure to act that endangers the safety or health of any other person;

  • Actions that impair any person’s participation in a legitimate Academy of Entrepreneurs activity or, by act or omission disrupts the peace or good order of Academy of Entrepreneurs;

  • Acting in a way that causes students or staff or other persons within Academy of Entrepreneurs to fear for their personal safety;

  • Acting in a way that causes damage to Academy of Entrepreneurs’ property;

  • Wilfully obstructing or disrupting any official Academy of Entrepreneurs meeting, activity, class, workshop or assessment;

  • Any form of harassment, whether based on gender, race, age, sexual preference or religious belief;

  • Wilfully damaging or wrongfully dealing with any Academy of Entrepreneurs’ property, or the property within Academy of Entrepreneurs of any person, including theft;

  • Being under the influence of prohibited drugs and/or substances including alcohol;

  • Trespassing or knowingly entering any place within the premises of Academy of Entrepreneurs that is out of bounds to students;

  • Making a false representation as to a matter affecting student status;

  • Possession of dangerous articles or banned substances;

  • Abusive behaviour

A student must always maintain a high standard of behaviour while engaged in Academy of Entrepreneurs’ activities either within the premises or at another location.

Staff responsibilities

It is the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ staff hold the responsibility to:

  • Inform all students of expectations related to behaviour;

  • Explain to students what constitutes behaviour misconduct;

  • Model exemplary behaviour as a benchmark for students and other staff;

  • Supervise student behaviour and the behaviour of other staff;

  • Promote a positive environment that supports a student’s individual personality whilst setting clear boundaries relating to acceptable behaviour;

  • Respond immediately to observed behaviour misconduct to maintain a safe environment for staff and students and to protect the rights of individuals or groups;

  • Where the observed behaviour misconduct is serious in nature, suspend the student’s continued participation in Academy of Entrepreneurs’ activities (training sessions, assessment, study sessions, workshops, activities, etc.);

  • Report (in writing) behaviour misconduct when it is observed, and the actions taken in immediate response.

If the staff member reporting the incident considers that the student may be violent or is likely to cause harm to other students and /or staff, or damage property at Academy of Entrepreneurs, the Chief Executive Officer should be contacted immediately to assess the risk. If necessary, the Police are to be contacted and requested to respond to control the situation.

Student responsibilities

Students are responsible to:

  • Be informed of and comply with Commonwealth or State law;

  • Behave in a way that supports the freedom of other persons (students) to pursue their studies and participate in the activities of Academy of Entrepreneurs;

  • Identify themselves truthfully;

  • Behave in a way that supports the safety and health of any other person;

  • Maintain the peace and good order of Academy of Entrepreneurs;

  • Treat Academy of Entrepreneurs’ property with respect and prevent damage or destruction of property;

  • Behave in a way that supports the conduct of official Academy of Entrepreneurs meeting, activity, class, workshop or assessment;

  • Treat others with respect and not discriminate based on gender, race, age, sexual preference or religious belief;

  • Be free from (not under the influence of) prohibited drugs and/or substances including alcohol during attendance at Academy of Entrepreneurs;

  • Not trespass or knowingly entering any place within the premises of Academy of Entrepreneurs that is out of bounds to students;

  • Give truthful information relating to student status;

  • Communicate in a way that demonstrates respect for others an is free from verbal abuse

Dealing with behaviour misconduct

The Chief Executive Officer may, in respect of any behaviour misconduct by a student:

  • Immediately suspended the student from Academy of Entrepreneurs for a period not exceeding fourteen (14) days as may be determined.

  • Advise the student in writing of the alleged incident of misconduct and that they have twenty (20) working days to make oral or written representations regarding the alleged incident of misconduct.

  • Where State or Commonwealth laws appear to have been breached, the matter will be referred to the police or other appropriate authority.

  • Impose one or more of the following behavioural management strategies:

  • >> Reprimand and warn (formal warning in writing) the student against repetition of the misconduct;

  • >> Suspend the student from using all or some of Academy of Entrepreneurs’ facilities and/or services for a designated duration;

  • >> Instigate a behavioural management contract with the student including agreed monitoring arrangements and consequences based on repetition of the misconduct;

  • >> Cancel the student’s enrolment (serious misconduct involving violence to others, damage to property or breach of State or Commonwealth law).

Students are to be provided a written statement detailing the decision, including information on their right to appeal the decision.

Students who commit behavioural misconduct after being formally warned are to have their enrolment cancelled, according to the procedure outlined in the Deferral, Suspension and Cancellation Policy.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Cancellation and Refund Policy

In accordance with applicable legislation, Academy of Entrepreneurs is entitled to charge fees for services provided to students undertaking a course of study. These charges are generally for items such as tuition fees and student services.

Fees payable

Fees are payable when the student has signed the Letter of Offer to signify their acceptance of an enrolment offer made by Academy of Entrepreneurs. The fees stated on the signed Letter of Offer must be paid in full within thirty (30) days of receiving an invoice from Academy of Entrepreneurs. Academy of Entrepreneurs may withdraw an offer of enrolment or discontinue training if fees are not paid as required.

The balance of fees payable must be paid according to the schedule of payments in the Letter of Offer.

Once a student has completed enrolment, fees will not be subject to change for the normal duration of the course. If a course length is extended by the student, then any fee increases will be required to be paid for the extended component of the course.

Schedule of Fees and Charges

The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for approving the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ Schedule of Fees and Charges. As a minimum the schedule of fees and charges is to include:

  • the total amount of all fees including tuition fees, enrolment fees , CoE fees, assessment fees, Material fees and any other charges for enrolling in a course;
  • payment terms, including the timing and amount of fees to be paid and any non-refundable fees;
  • late payment fees;
  • the nature of the guarantee given by Academy of Entrepreneurs to honour its commitment to deliver services and complete the training and assessment once the student has commenced study;
  • any discounts, fee reductions or exemptions available for multiple enrolments; and
  • Academy of Entrepreneurs Cancellation and Refund Policy.

Refunds - Giving notice of enrolment cancellation / withdrawal

A student who wishes to cancel their enrolment after the course has commenced, must give notice in writing. The agreed course start-date is the date the course was scheduled to start, or a later date agreed between Academy of Entrepreneurs and the student. This does not apply to approved deferment and leave of absence when the student applies for refund after the application was approved.

The student fills out the Application For Withdraw Form and emails to if applying to withdraw from a course or unit. Academy of Entrepreneurs staff who are approached with initial notice of cancellation are to ensure the student understands their rights with regards to the refunding of Tuition Fees. The student is also to be advised of other options such as deferral or suspension of the enrolment. For further information on deferral or suspension, please refer to the Deferral, Suspension and Cancellation Policy.

Students who give written notice to cancel their enrolment and who are eligible for a refund are to be provided with an Application for Refund Form found on

  • 100% refund of Tuition Fees due applies if the student visa is refused/rejected by Department of Home Affairs and the student has not commenced the course.
  • 70% refund of Tuition Fees due applies if the student cancels twenty-eight (28) or more days before the course starts.
  • 50% refund of Tuition Fees due applies if the student cancels within twenty-eight (28) days before the course starts.
  • No refund of Tuition Fees applies if the student cancels after the course start date.

Students who may not be eligible but are requesting a refund should also be provided with an Application for Refund Form, so the request can be properly considered by the Chief Executive Officer.

Every effort will be made to negotiate the transfer of training in the event of a prolonged illness or personal hardship. This will be at the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ convenience and with the approval of the Department of Education.

If a student transfer to another provider is approved, he or she is subject to the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ refund policy conditions. Course and other fees are not transferable to another student or institution and the student  shall not be entitled to a refund of any course fees paid. The student seeking to transfer to another provider must settle all outstanding fees and pay an AUD $500 per course prior to being granted a release.

If the student enrols into packaged courses, each course within the packaged courses is considered as an independent course. Therefore, the cancellation and refund policy will apply to each course within the packaged courses.

All refund considerations will be strictly limited to the monies Academy of Entrepreneurs has received and will not include:

  • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) if paid to Academy of Entrepreneurs and which has been applied as a premium to OHSC provider on behalf of students;
  • Bank charges; and
  • Agent's Commission paid either directly by the student or through Academy of Entrepreneurs on behalf of the student whether the commission was paid before or after monies were received by Academy of Entrepreneurs.
  • Personal insurance and student expenses are not included in the fees quoted and are the responsibility of the student.

Where refunds are approved, eligible refunds will be made within six (6)  weeks after receipt of the claim. Monies refunded will be made in Australia Dollars (AUD). Refunds are to be paid via electronic funds transfer using the authorised bank account nominated by the student on the Application for Refund Form.

The Non-Refundable Enrolment Fee and Material Fees (if applicable) are not refundable under any circumstances including visa refusal /rejection.

Refunds – Refused student visa

A student who is refused a student visa to study in Australia will be entitled to a 100% refund of fees paid less the Non-Refundable Enrolment and CoE Fees. Evidence from the relevant Australian Government Department that the Visa was refused will need to be provided to Academy of Entrepreneurs.

Where the student has commenced the course and the application for a student visa is refused the student will only be refunded for the unused portion of Tuition fees paid.

Where a student visa application refusal was due to fraudulent and or forged documents, no course Tuition Fees will be refunded under any circumstances.

Refunds – Misconduct

No refund will be granted to a student whose enrolment is terminated for failure to comply with Academy of Entrepreneurs’ policies and procedures and the requirements of their visa by Department of Home Affairs.

Students who commit behavioural misconduct after being formally warned are to have their enrolment cancelled and will not be entitled to a refund. Please refer to the Behaviour Misconduct Policy for further guidance.

Discretion may be exercised by the Chief Executive Officer in all situations, if the student can demonstrate that extenuating or significant personal circumstance led to the request. The Chief Executive Officer may also authorise a refund of tuition fees if the circumstances warrant it.

Refund - OSHC

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is compulsory and must be maintained throughout a student’s entire stay in Australia. Students can choose any approved Australian Overseas Student Health Cover provider and Academy of Entrepreneurs may arrange OSHC for students upon request. All refund considerations will be strictly limited to the monies Academy of Entrepreneurs has received and will not include OSHC if paid to Academy of Entrepreneurs and which has been applied as a premium to OHSC provider on behalf of students.

Refunds - Cancellation of a course by Academy of Entrepreneurs (Provider default)

Refunds in situations of Provider Default are covered by the provisions of the Education Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment (Tuition Protection Service and Other Measures) Act 2012 and apply if:

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs does not offer a course on the advertised start date; or
  • Terminates a course after the course start date or before the course completion date; or
  • Does not provide a course as advertised due to sanctions by any authority; or
  • Does not provide a course in full.

In such a case, Academy of Entrepreneurs will pay the student a refund which equals the amount of the total tuition fees paid for the remainder of the course not completed at the time of default if an alternative placement with another provider cannot be found to the student’s satisfaction.

Refunds will be made within two (2) weeks following the default date and there is no requirement to complete an Application for Refund Form.

Payment of GST

GST is exempt under section 38-85 GSTR 2003/1 Goods and Services Tax, tax ruling. The ruling explains the supply of a course for ‘professional or trade course’ is a GST-free education course.

Where a student is enrolled in a course which is offering units of competence or a whole qualification, the course fees attached to this enrolment will be exempt from the payment of GST. GST does apply on the payment of some miscellaneous charges where these charges are in addition to and outside the normal services offered in a course.

Miscellaneous Charges

Academy of Entrepreneurs will levy some miscellaneous charges for services. These may include:

  • Re-issuing a certificate after it has been initially issued to a student;
  • Re-assessment services; and
  • Late payment fees.

These miscellaneous charges are to be clearly specified in Academy of Entrepreneurs Schedule of Fees and Charges. It is to be made clear if these services will include GST. All miscellaneous charges are based on a cost recovery basis and are not intended to be a source of profit.

Fees being paid in advance

Academy of Entrepreneurs acknowledges that it has a responsibility to protect the fees paid by students in advance of their training and assessment services being delivered. To meet its responsibilities under the ESOS Act, Academy of Entrepreneurs requests payment of no more than 50% of the total tuition fees for the course before the student commences the course. Following course commencement, no further pre-paid tuition fees are taken before the fee schedule, stated on the student’s Letter of Offer.

Academy of Entrepreneurs maintains a separate bank account in order to keep pre-paid tuition fees separate from day-to-day operating expense accounts. If a refund is payable before the student commences, the refund can be made in full and in a timely way without impact on the financial operations of the business or recourse to the Tuition Protection Service.

Keeping students informed

To ensure that students are well informed of the financial considerations of their enrolment, Academy of Entrepreneurs undertakes to provide the following fee information to each student prior to enrolment:

  • the total amount of all fees including tuition fees, non-refundable enrolment  and CoE fees and any other charges;
  • payment terms, including the timing and amount of fees to be paid , and late payment fees and any non-refundable  fees;
  • the nature of the guarantee given by Academy of Entrepreneurs to complete the training and assessment once the student has commenced study in their chosen qualification or course;
  • the fees and charges for additional services, including such items as issuance of a replacement qualification testamur and the options available to students who are deemed ‘not competent’ on completion of training and assessment; and
  • the Academy of Entrepreneurs Cancellation and Refund policy.

Student complaints about fees or refunds

If the refund application is rejected, then the student will have an option to appeal the decision within 20 working days after receiving the notification. Refer to the Complaints & Appeals Policy for details.

This refund policy, and the availability of our complaints and appeals processes, does not remove student rights to take further action under the Australian Consumer Protection laws.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

The Academy of Entrepreneurs recognises that effective complaint management and equitable and transparent review mechanisms contribute to a positive study environment. Students should feel confident in the knowledge that their complaints and appeals will be addressed appropriately, fairly and in a timely manner by Academy of Entrepreneurs.

Students should also be confident that they will not be penalised or disadvantaged because of lodging a complaint or appeal. This policy is designed to ensure that student complaints and appeals are resolved promptly, with sensitivity to all parties, and in accordance with the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness.

Complaints and appeals

Academy of Entrepreneurs has a complaints handling process for resolving complaints and appeals and will refer you to external mediation where required.

A complaint is negative feedback about services or staff which has not been resolved directly between the parties involved. In all cases, issues that are the source of frustration or are in dispute should be resolved at the time, as they occur between the persons involved, where possible. Sometimes, it will not be possible and in these cases, students should complete a Complaints and Appeals Form. This form can be found on the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ website

Academy of Entrepreneurs is committed to providing a fair and transparent complaint handling process to enable it to manage and respond to allegations involving the conduct of:

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs, its trainers, assessors or other staff;

  • a third-party providing services on the Academy of Entrepreneurs' behalf (incl. agents), its trainers, assessors or other staff; or

  • a student of the Academy of Entrepreneurs

Academy of Entrepreneurs applies the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness to its complaints handling process and will always operate in a fair and unbiased way.

Complaint and appeals handling process

Academy of Entrepreneurs applies the following principles to its complaints handling:

  • A complainant or appellant is to be provided an opportunity to formally present his or her case at no cost

  • Each complainant or appellant may be accompanied and/or assisted by a support person at any relevant meeting

  • Any person/s involved will be informed of the allegations.

Complaints and appeals are acknowledged in writing and a written record of all complaints and appeals is kept by the Academy of Entrepreneurs including all details of lodgement, response and resolution. Academy of Entrepreneurs will identify the potential causes of complaints and take appropriate corrective action to eliminate or mitigate the likelihood of reoccurrence.

The process commences within ten (10) working days of the formal lodgement of the complaint or appeal and supporting information and all reasonable measures are taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable. The complainant or appellant is to be provided a written response, including details of the reasons for the outcome.

Where a complaint or appeal is considered to require more than sixty (60) calendar days to process and finalise, Academy of Entrepreneurs will inform the complainant or appellant in writing, including reasons why more than sixty calendar days are required and will provide the complainant or appellant with regular updates to inform them of the progress of the matter.

The student has ten (10) days from notification of an unsuccessful complaint in which to lodge an appeal.

Academy of Entrepreneurs shall maintain the enrolment of the student during the complaint handling process.

If the internal or any external complaint handling process results in a decision that supports the student, the Academy of Entrepreneurs are to immediately implement any decision and/or any required corrective and preventative action and advise the student of the outcome.

External appeals review

Academy of Entrepreneurs provides the opportunity for persons who are not satisfied with the outcomes of the complaints handling process to lodge an external appeal.

Academy of Entrepreneurs must advise the student of their right to access an external complaints handling process at minimal or no cost within 10 working days of concluding the complaints handling process.

External appeals will be undertaken by an independent person/body, such as:

  • Overseas Students Ombudsman GPO Box 442

Canberra ACT 2601

Tel: 1300 362 072 or Email:

The Overseas Students Ombudsman is a free and independent service (see

Course Credit Policy

This policy implements a procedure for Academy of Entrepreneurs to process any student’s applications for course credit and document any results, including student verification of the outcome. It will provide a process that ensures that students receive written verification of the outcome of the course credit application and records are kept in the student files.

It also ensures that any changes to course duration that occur from granting a course credit, after a student visa is granted, are reported to the appropriate government agency(s).


  • ‘Course Credit’ is defined by the National Code as:

Exemption from enrolment in a particular part of the course as a result of previous study, experience or recognition of a competency currently held. Includes academic credit and recognition of prior learning.

  • ‘Credit Transfer’ (CT)

The granting of exemption or credit by a Registered Training Organisation to students for units of competency completed under accredited training. These unit codes must identically match the units that you are applying for credit.

  • ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’ (RPL)

The acknowledgment of skills and knowledge that have been gained through training, work, or life experiences into formal competencies. The assessment of RPL is made from the evidence provided against the units of competency (elements and performance criteria) as described in the relevant endorsed Training Package. To support this type of application evidence of where and how the skills were obtained are required (i.e. A certificate where the codes do not match but are of similar skills and knowledge would require an ability to assess the learning outcomes against the learning outcomes of the current course).


All students are made aware of the ability to apply for course credit via an RPL or CT application throughout the enrolment and induction process of the course.

Students are to place any applications for course credit by the 1st week of the first term of study in their enrolled course.

All applications must include original documents to be sighted and copied by Academy of Entrepreneurs. Applications will not be accepted unless all required information is included.

Where RPL is being applied for the students must include all relevant evidence of work experience and where learning has occurred.

A ‘Credit Transfer Application Form’ must be accompanied by nationally recognised qualifications and/or statements of attainment indicating the units successfully completed including unit codes and titles and dates of completion.

Students are required to submit their application with supporting evidence as required and outlined in the applications:

Credit Transfer

Students who have completed a Nationally Recognised qualification / unit that have the exact same code as a unit currently enrolled will be eligible for credit transfer for the particular unit(s). The student must provide the original certificate to be sighted by Academy of Entrepreneurs to verify the Credit Transfer.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Where students have gained relevant skills and knowledge other than undertaking accredited training for the unit, a student may be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning. Students must complete an application form and supporting evidence as required. This evidence must be clearly identifiable and support the applicant’s case for Recognition of Prior Learning by addressing the relationship of evidence to the Unit of Competency being sought.

Applications are received by the Admissions Officer in the first instance and the application and supporting documentation is copied and placed into the student file. Where originals are required to be sighted the Admissions Officer will sight the originals and indicate on copies that originals have been sighted and return originals to the student. Academy of Entrepreneurs shall at no time accept original certificates.

The application is then forwarded to the Academic Manager to be assessed and outcomes determined.

Where any application for course credit is received by Academy of Entrepreneurs, either RPL or CT, Academy of Entrepreneurs is to assess the application and provide an outcome to the application within 14 working days of receiving it, or as soon as practical where further information is required to determine the outcome.

Where Academy of Entrepreneurs grants either RPL or CT, it will provide a written record of the decision to the student to accept and retain the written record of acceptance for two years after the student ceases to be an accepted student.

Where Academy of Entrepreneurs grants the student RPL or CT that reduces the student's course length, it will:

  • inform the student of the reduced course duration following granting of RPL and ensure the confirmation of enrolment (CoE) is issued only for the reduced duration of the course

  • report any change in course duration in PRISMS if RPL or CT is granted after the overseas student's visa is granted.

Course Transfer Policy

The Academy of Entrepreneurs will not enrol international students transferring from their principal course (i.e. the main course of study or the highest qualification indicated on the student's current visa) with another registered provider before they have completed six (6) months of their principal course with that registered provider. The exceptions to this requirement are identified below.

As the principal course of study is generally the final course of study covered by the student's visa, transfer requirements apply to all courses of study prior to the student's principal course. This means the transfer restriction applies to an international student during all courses they undertake prior to the principal course.

The first six months is calculated as six (6) calendar months from the date an international student commences their principal course.


For an international student to transfer to Academy of Entrepreneurs before completing six months of their principal course, the student must meet one of the following conditions:

  • the original (i.e. releasing) registered provider has provided a letter of release;

  • the original registered provider, or the course in which the student is enrolled, has ceased to be registered;

  • the original registered provider has had a sanction imposed on its registration by the ESOS agency that prevents the student from continuing their course with that registered provider;

  • any government sponsor of the student considers the change to be in the student's best interests and has provided written support for the change. This usually applies where the student's study in Australia is sponsored by the government of another country.

After completing six calendar months of the principal course, an international student can transfer to Academy of Entrepreneurs without needing to meet one of these conditions.

Policy for assessing transfer requests

Academy of Entrepreneurs will release a current student from their principal course and provide a letter of release before they have completed 6 months of that course where it can be demonstrated that this is in the best interests of the student. This includes the following circumstances:

  • The student will be reported because they are unable to achieve satisfactory course progress at the level they are studying, even after engaging with Academy of Entrepreneurs' intervention strategy. The report on the student's course progress will occur even though the transfer request is granted.

  • There is evidence of compassionate or compelling circumstances. 'Compassionate or compelling' circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact upon the student's course progress or wellbeing. Academy of Entrepreneurs will use their professional judgement to assess each case on its individual merits. Examples of compassionate or compelling circumstance include, but are not limited to:

    • serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes;

    • bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents (where possible a death certificate should be provided);

    • major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the student's studies; or

    • a traumatic experience, which could include:

      • involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident; or

      • witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the student (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists' reports).

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs being unable to offer a pre-requisite unit, or the student has failed a prerequisite unit and therefore faces a shortage of relevant units for which they are eligible to enrol

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs failing to deliver the course as outlined in the written agreement

  • There is evidence that the student's reasonable expectations about their current course are not being met

  • There is evidence that the student was misled by the Academy of Entrepreneurs or an education or migration agent regarding the Academy of Entrepreneurs or its course and the course is therefore unsuitable to their needs and/or study objectives

  • An appeal (internal or external) on another matter results in a decision or recommendation to release the student.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will not release a current student from their principal course and provide a letter of release before they have completed six months of that course where it can be demonstrated that it is not in the best interests of the student. This includes the following circumstances:

  • The student has not made satifactory academic progress and is seeking a transfer to avoid being reported to Department of Home Affairs

  • The student has not attended the course as required and is seeking a transfer to avoid being reported to the Department of Home Affairs

  • The student is not genuinely engaging with an intervention strategy with the intention of failing and being released

  • The student has not paid all required tuition fees according to Academy of Entrepreneurs' Cancellation and Refund policy.

  • The student has applied for transfer into a course that they do not have the credentials to enter

  • The student’s progression through a package of courses would be jeopardised by the transfer.

Process for assessing transfer requests into the Academy of Entrepreneurs

Academy of Entrepreneurs receives an application from a student who is on-shore and who has indicated that they are currently studying at another institution.

The Chief Executive Officer uses PRISMS to ascertain if the student has completed 6 months of their principal course. They also use the copy of the student visa in the passport to ascertain what the principal course is and when they arrived in Australia.

Where the above is satisfied, the Academy of Entrepreneurs application process proceeds as for all offshore students.

Where the above is not satisfied, students are asked to provide an appropriate letter of release in support of their application. They may be provided with a 'conditional' offer, which clearly states that an offer of a place is contingent on obtaining a letter of release.

Where the student provides a letter of release and they have no outstanding fees to be paid to the Academy of Entrepreneurs or other outstanding matters of concern, the application proceeds as for all offshore applicants.

Where a satisfactory letter of release is not provided, the application process is halted, and the student informed that they are unable to be transferred at this time and that they are welcome to re-activate their application when the 6-month period has passed.

Process for assessing transfer requests from the Academy of Entrepreneurs

The student fills out the Application For Withdraw Form and emails to the request for transfer from Academy of Entrepreneurs to another provider. The application must include the reason/s for their request.

Please note that depending on when you lodge your withdrawal application, you may be liable academically and financially. To avoid these penalties, students must lodge their withdrawal application at least 28 calendar days prior to the commencement of the relevant study period.

The student is asked to provide a valid offer of enrolment from the new registered provider.

With these documents sighted, the Academy of Entrepreneurs will assess the transfer request in accordance with its policy.

The Chief Executive Officer will decide to refuse or grant the letter of release and inform the student. If the Chief Executive Officer decides to refuse a letter of release the student will be advised in writing providing the reasons for refusal and indicating that the student may access the complaints and appeals process if they want a review of the decision.

Where Academy of Entrepreneurs intends to refuse a release, it will not finalise the overseas student's refusal status in PRISMS until:

  • Any appeal against the refusal lodged by the student is finalised and upholds the Academy of Entrepreneurs' decision not to release the student; or

  • The student does not access Academy of Entrepreneurs' complaints and appeals processes within 20 working days of being notified of the refusal; or

  • The student withdraws their appeal against the refusal.

Where the request is found to be in accordance with the policy, the letter of release will be granted after they have settled all outstanding fees and pay an AUD 500 Release Fee prior to being granted a release.

The Chief Executive Officer reports the student's termination of studies through PRISMS.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will maintain records of international student transfer requests for two years after the student ceases to be an accepted student.

The Chief Executive Officer will make any final decision regarding the issuance or refusal of a letter of release for any student.

Where the student has provided all the necessary documentation regarding letters of release the assessment will be made within 10 days.

All requests, considerations, decisions and copies of letters of release are placed on the student's file.

The approval of transfer of a student to another institution does not indicate the agreement to provide any refund. Refunds are governed by the Academy of Entrepreneurs' refund policy as outlined in the written agreement.

The Course Transfer Policy and procedure will be available to Academy of Entrepreneurs' staff and international students.

Critical Incidents Policy


Academy of Entrepreneurs is committed to maintaining a safe and supportive environment for staff and students. This policy underpins our approach to respond to critical incidents that may occur and impact on the people both studying and working at Academy of Entrepreneurs. We are particularly mindful of our responsibility to support our students who, having left their country of origin, do not have access to a normal support network.

A Critical Incident: is any sudden or progressive development (event) that requires immediate attention and decisive action to prevent / minimise any negative impact on the health and welfare of one or more individuals. Critical incidents may include (but are not limited to) events such as:

  • Death/suicide;

  • Serious accident or injury;

  • Death or serious illness of a student’s family or friends overseas (in their homeland);

  • Removing an individual’s liberty under duress, threats of violence, assault, rape/sexual assault, aggravated burglary, biological or chemical weapons found/ present;

  • Fire, bomb, explosion, gas/chemical hazards, discharge of firearms;

  • Threat of widespread infection or contamination;

  • Civil unrest;

  • Serious damage to essential facilities and or extreme disruption to operations at Academy of Entrepreneurs; and

  • Information which has the potential to negatively affect the reputation of Academy of Entrepreneurs in the media and/or wider community.

Staff Responsibility

In the first instance the designated officer is any member of the staff who is witness to /or receives the information which triggers the critical incident.

If possible, the Chief Executive Officer is to be immediately called to the situation to assume control. In all cases the procedure below is to be followed:

Critical Incident Procedure

  1. The Designated Officer is to assess the situation and consider any apparent risks to their own safety and those present.

  2. Where the Designated Officer considers a critical incident involving threat to life or/ and triggering an emergency situation is occurring the Designated Officer is to contact Emergency Services by dialling 000 immediately and being put through to the appropriate service.

  3. Provided there is no threat to personal safety in doing so, the Designated Officer is to take steps to minimise further damage or injury. This may involve organising willing bystanders to provide support.

  4. The Chief Executive Officer or most senior staff member available is to assume responsibility for assessing the incident and forming a Critical Incident Team if deemed necessary.

  5. As soon as practical the Chief Executive Officer or the most senior staff member available is to prepare a Critical Incident Initial Report outlining details re: the type of incident, the exact location and details of any person or persons who might be injured, or in distress and in need of counselling or at risk.

  6. The Chief Executive Officer and Critical Incident Team/ other staff members, will review the situation, set priorities, allocate tasks/responsibilities and coordinate an immediate response including communications (to staff, students, families of those involved, helpers, and the media).

  7. Where a staff member has assumed management of the critical incident, this person will consult with and/or take instruction from the Chief Executive Officer as necessary.

  8. The Critical Incident Team will organise ongoing response/follow up (including staff briefing, counselling, review and reporting) as part of the process.

  9. The Critical Incident Team will organise a de-briefing session to evaluate response procedures and make recommendations for ongoing actions if required.

  10. The Critical Incident Team will produce a final report and make recommendations about handling any future critical incidents. Revision of this procedure may be part of that report.

Tasks and Responsibilities

The Chief Executive Officer or most senior staff member available will:

  1. Head the Critical Incident Team;

  2. Liaise with emergency services;

  3. Liaise with Diplomatic Post/Embassy/Consulate;

  4. Provide notification of critical incident to the most senior staff member;

  5. Liaise with immediate family members or guardians if appropriate;

  6. Convene Critical Incident Team;

  7. Formulate and execute critical incident plan; and

  8. Organise debriefing, counselling and follow-up.

Informing the Police

The police must investigate all sudden unexpected death. Police actions include:

  • Reporting the death to the Coroner;

  • Notifying next of kin;

  • Obtaining official identification of the deceased (this must be done by a person who has known the individual for at least the past year); and

  • Conducting investigations (interviewing witnesses or others involved).

Notifying Next of Kin

Once death/injury has been confirmed, the initial contact with next of kin / significant others needs to be considered carefully. The following questions may be helpful:

  • What is the appropriate manner of contact?

  • What were the circumstances of the tragedy?

Ongoing support

Maintain contact with those who may need ongoing support, often at times and in locations outside of the normal class routine. The following should be considered:

  • Consideration should be given to personal contact with victims and those affected by the incident outside of normal hours. Family and friends are a priority. The Critical Incident Team will assess those affected by the incident and make referrals for counselling and/or advice to agencies outside of those normally used.

  • Appropriate cultural responses may be put in place, interpreters may be provided, and overseas authorities, such as embassies and legations, notified.

  • Where appropriate, staff and students may need to be directed to seek professional counselling. Counselling of staff and students will be a priority for incidents where trauma may be experienced. Special Leave will be considered where necessary.

  • There may be a need to issue a written statement to staff and students, within the guidelines of the Privacy Act 1988 to inform them of the incident.

  • There may be a need to identify others who may be affected by the incident to provide re-assurance and minimise distress.

It is important to return to normality as soon as possible. The Chief Executive Officer should meet with staff at the end of the working day to debrief staff and assist in the recovery process.

Deferral, Suspension and Cancellation Policy

Student enrolment can be deferred, suspended or cancelled in limited circumstances by Academy of Entrepreneurs or by the student. When deferral, suspension or cancellation of enrolment is initiated by Academy of Entrepreneurs, the student has the right to appeal the decision.

Deferral, suspension or cancellation

Academy of Entrepreneurs will maintain a record of any decisions to defer or suspend a student’s enrolment. When Academy of Entrepreneurs defers or suspends a student’s enrolment it will notify the Department of Education and Training through PRISMS.

The Department of Home Affairs will be notified of a student whose course has been deferred, suspended or cancelled through PRISMS. A student’s visa would not be cancelled if the deferral is for compassionate or compelling reasons. Where Academy of Entrepreneurs defers or suspends a student’s studies for compassionate or compelling reasons, it will ensure the student visa holder has a valid CoE in PRISMS with a start date that reflects the student’s intended date of return to studies. The length of time a student may have their enrolment suspended is at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer of Academy of Entrepreneurs. A student’s enrolment may not be suspended more than one (1) Term without the circumstances being re-assessed. The student will be notified in advance of the reasons and the timeframe of the suspension. A student may appeal a suspension decision through Academy of Entrepreneurs appeals process.

A student’s visa may be cancelled if the deferral or suspension:

  • is due to the conduct of the student

  • is for reasons other than compassionate or compelling circumstances

  • the compassionate or compelling circumstances which warranted the deferral or suspension of studies cease to exist

  • is based on fraudulent evidence or documents given to the Academy of Entrepreneurs.

Effect on Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE)

Academy of Entrepreneurs will advise overseas students that deferring, suspending or cancelling their enrolment on any grounds may affect their student visa.

There are three possible outcomes for a student’s CoE:

  1. The registered provider notifies the Department of Education and Training through PRISMS that they are deferring or suspending an overseas student’s enrolment for a period without affecting the end date of the CoE. There will be no change to the CoE on PRISMS – the overseas student will still be listed as studying. However, the notice of deferment or suspension will be recorded in PRISMS.

  2. The registered provider notifies the Department of Education and Training through PRISMS that they are deferring or suspending an overseas student’s enrolment for a period which will affect the end date of the CoE. PRISMS will cancel the original CoE and immediately offer the registered provider the opportunity to create a new CoE with a more appropriate end date. If the registered provider does not know when the overseas student will return, it can choose not to create a new CoE at that point, but to wait until the overseas student has notified the registered provider of the intended date of return before creating a new CoE.

  3. The registered provider notifies the Department of Education and Training through PRISMS that it wishes to permanently cancel (terminate) the overseas student’s enrolment. Once this process is complete, the overseas student’s CoE status will be listed as ‘cancelled’. If the overseas student is under the age of 18, the cancellation of a CoE does not cancel a Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW), and the registered provider is still responsible for welfare arrangements until one of the conditions of Standard 5.6 are met.

Where a student’s enrolment is deferred or suspended the period of suspension of enrolment (as entered in PRISMS) will not be included in attendance monitoring calculations.

Student-initiated deferrals, suspensions or cancellations of their enrolment

Student applying for course deferral must complete the Application for Deferral Form and provide support documentation to

Academy of Entrepreneurs will defer or suspend the enrolment of an overseas student if there are compassionate or compelling circumstances.

‘Compassionate or compelling’ circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact upon the overseas student’s course progress or wellbeing. These could include, but are not limited to:

  • serious illness or injury, where a medical certificate states that the student was unable to attend classes

  • bereavement of close family members such as parents or grandparents (where possible a death certificate should be provided)

  • major political upheaval or natural disaster in the home country requiring emergency travel and this has impacted on the student’s studies;

  • a traumatic experience, which could include:

    • involvement in, or witnessing of a serious accident; or

    • witnessing or being the victim of a serious crime, and this has impacted on the student (these cases should be supported by police or psychologists’ reports)

  • where Academy of Entrepreneurs was unable to offer a pre-requisite unit, or the

student has failed a prerequisite unit and therefore faces a shortage of relevant units for which they are eligible to enrol.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will assess each case on its individual merits including consideration of documentary evidence provided to support the claim. Copies of documentation will be kept in the student’s file.

Academy of Entrepreneurs-initiated deferrals, suspensions or cancellations of enrolment

Academy of Entrepreneurs may suspend or cancel a student’s enrolment on the basis of, but not limited to:

  • misbehaviour by the student

  • the student’s failure to pay the required amount to undertake or continue the course as stated in the Letter of Offer

  • a breach of course progress or attendance requirements.

Where a deferral, suspension or cancellation of enrolment is initiated by the Academy of Entrepreneurs, the student will be given a notice of intention to report and twenty (20) working days to access the complaints and appeals process. This applies even if a student’s misbehaviour is grounds for immediate expulsion, unless the student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk (as outlined below).

Academy of Entrepreneurs will proceed with the deferral, suspension, or cancellation after the internal complaints handling and appeals process has been completed in cases of misbehaviour and non-payment.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will wait for both the internal and external complaints handling and appeals processes to be completed in cases of course progress and/or attendance breaches.

Academy of Entrepreneurs may choose not to allow the student the opportunity to appeal a deferral, suspension or cancellation of enrolment when the student’s health or wellbeing, or the wellbeing of others, is likely to be at risk. Copies of documentation will be kept in the student’s file to support the decision.

This may include, but is not limited to when the student:

  • is missing;

  • has medical concerns, severe depression or psychological issues which lead the Academy of Entrepreneurs to fear for the overseas student’s wellbeing;

  • has engaged or threatens to engage in behaviour that is reasonably believed to endanger the student or others; or

  • is at risk of committing a criminal offence

A deferral, suspension or cancellation or cancellation of enrolment does not entitle a student to any refunds of fees already paid.

Emergency Evaluation Procedures

In the event of an emergency that requires the evacuation of any Academy of Entrepreneurs campus, all students should follow the instruction of their trainer and the fire safety warden. At all times, the class MUST stay together to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the staff and students.

Please find below the Emergency Exit:


Once students have evacuated the building they must proceed to the designated area so that the attendance sheets can be checked to ensure that all students have left the building. Students must stay with their trainer till the building is safe to re-enter or they have been dismissed.

Emergency exits are signposted with diagrams located in classrooms, hallways and other areas that indicate the appropriate exit to use and the meeting place. These procedures may be updated from time to time.

Academy of Entrepreneurs agrees to abide by the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 to protect the health, safety and welfare of staff and students through the provision of safe learning environments and equipment.

Emergency Procedure is as follows:

  • Fire alarm sounds and the class prepare to evacuate immediately
  • Students must line up ready and not waste time collecting belongings
  • Floor warden (with red or yellow hard hat) will give the signal to the trainer to evacuate with the class clearly pointing out the evacuation pathway
  • Trainer and students proceed to the designated assembly area using the fire stairs only (no lifts to be used in fire emergencies)
  • Attendance will be taken at the assembly area to ensure that all students and staff are present, and no one left on campus
  • Wait in the assembly area to receive further instructions and do not leave until told to do so by the Chief Warden.

Emergency Numbers

Emergency Telephone Numbers
Police, Fire, Ambulance
Phone number: 000


Academy of Entrepreneurd Student 24 Hour Emergency Contact
Phone number: +61 4 20 955 509

Enrollment and Induction Policy

Our approach to enrolment and induction is to provide a pathway for international students to make informed decisions about their training and assessment and enter a training pathway that is the right fit for their career goal. In doing this, Academy of Entrepreneurs has legislative responsibilities to comply with that govern the process for the enrolment and induction of students from overseas.

Course entry requirements

All international students applying to enter a training program being offered by Academy of Entrepreneurs must:

  • Be over the age of 18;
  • Have an English ability at the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) level 5.5 (or equivalent) with no band less than 5.0 level or equivalent; or completed a Certificate IV or commenced or completed a Diploma in English at another RTO in Australia.
  • Have completed an equivalent secondary schooling level of an Australian Year 12 qualification;
  • Meet the Student Visa 500 subclass requirements.

Notification of entry requirements

Students must be informed about course entry requirements during the initial stages of their expression of interest. Course entry requirements information will be provided via the Academy of Entrepreneurs website and student handbook. In addition to this, Agents will be advised of student entry requirements on a regular basis by way of emails and other written notification.

Assessing Student’s Qualifications, Experience and English Proficiency Procedure

Academy of Entrepreneurs has a procedure to assess whether the student’s qualifications, experience and English language proficiency is appropriate for the course in which they wish to enroll, so as to ensure the student has the ability to complete the qualification.

The steps in the process are as follows:

  • The agent or a representative from Academy of Entrepreneurs must interview the student either face-to-face or via telephone/video conference. During this interview a check is made of the student’s qualifications, experience and English proficiency;

  • All enrolment applications are received and assessed by Admissions Officer;

  • Enrolment applications are only accepted with appropriate supporting documentation. All students are required to submit the following with their application form:

    • Copy of passport

    • Copy of their visa (if applicant is onshore in Australia)

    • Evidence of English proficiency evidenced by a recognised English Language testing score (IELTS - 5.5) or equivalent.

    • Any other supporting information such as previously attained qualifications.

All applicants’ information and copies of documents will be stored securely.

Life in Australia: Cost of Living

The Department of Home Affairs has financial requirements you must meet in order to receive a student visa for Australia. Refer to the step by step Student Visa Subclass 500 application and Document Checklist Tool for details on how to provide the evidence required to cover the costs of your stay, including your travel, study and living expenses. As of October 2019 the 12-month living costs are:

For students or guardians - AUD$21,041
For partners coming with you - AUD$7,362
For a child coming with you - AUD$3,152

Students on a student visa are permitted to work up to 40 hours per fortnight during study periods. During non-study periods such as timetabled breaks, students may work additional hours. Student working rights are intended to add to student income rather than be the main supporting factor.

To work, students need a Tax File Number (TFN). To apply for a TFN students can undertake any of the following:

Online Application:

  • Go to and apply online
  • Go to ‘For Individuals’ and click ‘Apply for a Tax File Number’
  • Go to applying for a TFN and click ‘Online individual tax file number registration (Nat4157)’
  • Go to ‘Apply for Tax File Number’
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and click ‘next’
  • Follow the instructions until you are finished.

International students will need a passport number and Australian address.

For an appointment, you may call 13 2861.

Map for Academy of Entrepreneurs Delivery Site

Medical Support


Students should make an appointment to see a doctor if they are sick and request a doctor’s certificate to account for the absence. On return to Academy of Entrepreneurs, provide with a copy of the medical certificate and retain the original. Medical certificates are not used to adjust attendance and the time will be recorded as absent.


Students can be provide a list of nearby dentists in an emergency situation via e-mail request to


Students can go directly to a hospital if the situation is urgent and it is after hours. However, there may be long waiting periods.

Monitoring Course Progress Policy

Academy of Entrepreneurs monitors students’ course progress for each course in which the student is enrolled.

The expected duration of study specified in the overseas student’s CoE must not exceed the CRICOS registered duration and Academy of Entrepreneurs monitors the progress of each student to ensure the overseas student is able to complete the course within the expected duration specified on the student’s CoE.

Academy of Entrepreneurs assesses the progress of each student for each unit and cumulatively at the end of each study period. A study period is defined as a Semester (20 weeks of study, made up of 4 Terms of 5 weeks each). Satisfactory progress is achieved when a student successfully completes the assessment requirements for each unit within the timeframes specified in the Academic Calendar.

Where a student is identified at risk of not making satisfactory course progress, Academy of Entrepreneurs will contact the student and arrange counselling with the Academic Manager, to implement Academy of Entrepreneurs’ intervention strategies as outlined below.

Monitoring Procedure

Student work is assessed by the Trainer who then forwards a summary of the outcomes to the Academic Manager. The outcome for each unit is entered into the Student Record database. A progress report is completed at the end of each Term. This will identify any student who is failing to successfully complete any unit requirements as specified in the Academic Calendar. The Academic Manager will speak with the Trainer and the student in the first instance to identify whether the student is in danger of not achieving satisfactory progress.

Any student identified through this process of being at risk of not achieving satisfactory progress will be called to a counselling session. At the counselling session the Academic Coordinator will, in consultation with the student and Trainer, establish a support/intervention program to help the student achieve satisfactory progress. Strategies will be determined on a case-by-case basis and will consider the student’s current and previous results, attendance records and any previous implemented intervention/counselling strategies.

Strategies may include any of the following:

  • English language support for technical assignments and comprehension;

  • The creation of workplace documents and reports;

  • Preparation for practical skills assessments;

  • The application of knowledge and skills in a simulated workplace;

  • Presentation skills, in particular oral presentation skills relating to business pitching; and

  • Referral to external agencies.

The implementation of the support/ intervention strategies may be requested by the Trainer or the student at any time throughout the course if concerns are held about progress. The Academic Coordinator will consider any such request.

A summary of the support/ intervention action to be implemented will be recorded and placed in the student file. Notes on any meetings that occur will also be noted and kept on the student’s file.

A student will not be reported for unsatisfactory progress until after the support/ intervention strategy has been implemented and enough time has been allowed for the strategy to run its course.

Unsatisfactory Course progress

Unsatisfactory course progress is defined as a student failing to successfully complete and achieve competency in at least 50% of the course requirements in that study period. At Academy of Entrepreneurs a study period is defined as a Semester (20 weeks of study).

Where a student is assessed as having made unsatisfactory progress for two consecutive study periods even after implementation of the support/intervention strategy Academy of Entrepreneurs will report the student through PRISMS and the student’s Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) will be cancelled. This may also result in the cancellation of the student visa.

Reporting unsatisfactory progress

Before making the unsatisfactory course report, Academy of Entrepreneurs will:

  • notify the student in writing of the intention to report;

  • Identify the reasons for the intention to report; and

  • advise the student they have twenty (20) working days to access Academy of Entrepreneurs complaints and appeals process prior to being reported.

The student may appeal the decision to report them on the following grounds:

  • A competency decision has been inaccurately recorded or calculated.

  • Compassionate or compelling circumstances.

  • The intervention strategy has not been implemented according to Academy of Entrepreneurs’ own documented policy and procedure.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will only report unsatisfactory course progress in PRISMS if:

  • the complaints and appeals processes have been completed and the decision or recommendation supports the Academy of Entrepreneurs; or

  • the student has chosen not to access the complaints and appeals process within the 20-working day period; or

  • the student withdraws from the appeals processes by notifying the Academy of Entrepreneurs in writing.

Academy of Entrepreneurs may decide not to report the student for breaching the attendance requirements if:

  • the student is still attending at least 70 per cent of the scheduled course contact hours; or

  • the student is maintaining satisfactory course progress.

Monitoring Attendance Policy

Academy of Entrepreneurs monitors the attendance of all students in the course.

Attendance is calculated as the percentage of the course scheduled contact hours for which a student is present and recorded as present in TRUSS. The face-to-face contact hours for attendance for each week at Academy of Entrepreneurs monitors is 14 hours (in addition to 6hrs of online learning).

A student who has been absent without reason for more than 5 days or who misses 15% of the scheduled contact hours in one Term will receive a request to meet with the Success Manager and to attend a formal counselling session. This session is to discuss the possible reasons for non-attendance and to work out what support is required to assist the students to improve their attendance pattern.

Monitoring satisfactory attendance procedures

The trainer of each class will record the attendance of each student on the Attendance register within 15 minutes of class commencing.

The Academic Manager will enter the attendance data into TRUSS at the end of each class. At the end of each fortnight attendance reports will be run to identify any student who has missed 5 consecutive days without approval or who has been marked absent for 15% of the scheduled contact hours for the course.

In order apply for a temporary leave request for more than 5 consecutive days please complete the Application for Leave form and send it to

The purpose of this monitoring is to identify students at risk of falling below the 80% attendance requirements for each study period (A study period is defined as a Semester 20 weeks of study, made up of 4 Terms of 5 weeks each), so that the support/intervention process can be started.

Student Holidays

Students are expected to take breaks only during the designated term breaks. These dates are provided on the Academic Calendar, website and student handbook. Any other breaks are to be negotiated with the Academic Manager.

Completion within Expected Duration

Academy of Entrepreneurs monitors, records and assesses the progress of each student for each unit of competency and cumulatively at the end of each Study Period (A study period is defined as a Semester 20 weeks of study, made up of 4 Terms of 5 weeks each). The expected duration of study as specified on the CoE must not exceed the CRICOS registered duration for the course except in cases where the expected duration has been extended with the Academy of Entrepreneurs approved criteria as listed below.

Where it is clear that a student at Academy of Entrepreneurs will not complete the course within expected duration as specified on the CoE Academy of Entrepreneurs will only extend the duration of the study for the reasons listed below:

  • there are compassionate or compelling circumstances, as assessed by the registered provider on the basis of demonstrable evidence, or

  • the registered provider has implemented, or is in the process of implementing, an intervention strategy for the overseas student because the overseas student is at risk of not meeting course progress requirements, or

  • an approved deferral or suspension of the overseas student's enrolment has occurred under Standard 9 (Deferring, suspending or cancelling the overseas student's enrolment).

If there is a variation to the student’s timetable and workload which may affect the completion date, it will be recorded on the students file and in the student management system. If this change to a student’s work load means that the student’s period of study has to be extended, Academy of Entrepreneurs will report the change via PRISMS and issue a new CoE.

Compelling or compassionate circumstances are defined as things outside of the control of the student and which may have an influence on the student being able to complete their study program under the original CoE. They include things such as:

  • Serious illness or injury. A medical certificate is needed stating the student is unable to come to class.

  • Death of a close family member.

  • Major political unrest in home country or natural disaster.

  • The student being witness to a crime or having a crime committed against them.

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs being unable to offer a prerequisite unit.

Where an incident has occurred, and the support mechanism has been put in place the intervention strategy will monitor any difficulty the student may have to complete within the expected duration of the course.

Reporting unsatisfactory progress

Academy of Entrepreneurs will only report unsatisfactory course attendance in PRISMS if:

  • the complaints and appeals processes have been completed and the decision or recommendation supports the Academy of Entrepreneurs; or

  • the student has chosen not to access the complaints and appeals process within the 20-working day period; or

  • the student withdraws from the appeals processes by notifying the Academy of Entrepreneurs in writing.

Academy of Entrepreneurs may decide not to report the student for breaching the attendance requirements if:

  • the student is still attending at least 70 per cent of the scheduled course contact hours; or

  • the student is maintaining satisfactory course progress.

Plagiarism Policy

Academy of Entrepreneurs is committed to ensuring a great learning experience for its students. It aims to provide a learning environment that fosters the qualities of independent learning and academic integrity.

This policy seeks to encourage ethical conduct and to inform staff and students about the Academy of Entrepreneurs’ standards of academic behaviour. Students have a responsibility to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity in their work. Students must not cheat in assessment and must ensure that they do not plagiarise.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of misrepresenting as one's own original work the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of another. These include published and unpublished documents, designs, music, sounds, images, photographs, computer codes and ideas gained through working in a group. These ideas, interpretations, words or works may be found in print and/or electronic media.

Academic integrity

One of the core functions of Academy of Entrepreneurs is to develop students’ ability to apply critical reasoning to assessment activities through independent thought and to make decisions that reflect the student’s considerations of the task or workplace requirement.

Academy of Entrepreneurs acknowledges that to develop this ability, the student will study the work of others via issued textbooks, learning material or through their own research. It is important that students acknowledge, through appropriate referencing, earlier work from which they have drawn information.


Referencing demonstrates that the student has read the issued material or has undertaken their own research in other sources.

Students should understand that assignment and project work submitted for assessment must consist of original effort. It is insufficient to simply copy work from other sources and submit it, even if those sources are appropriately acknowledged. Work submitted by a student must have an original component.

The following are examples of plagiarism where a student intentionally does not acknowledgement or reference an author or source:

  • Direct copying of paragraphs, sentences, a single sentence or significant parts of a sentence;

  • Direct copying of paragraphs, sentences, a single sentence or significant parts of a sentence with an end reference but without quotation marks around the copied text;

  • Copying ideas, concepts, research results, computer codes, statistical tables, designs, images, sounds or text or any combination of these;

  • Paraphrasing, summarising or simply rearranging another person's words, ideas, etc., without reference or explanation;

  • Offering an idea or interpretation that is not one's own without identifying whose idea or interpretation it is;

  • A ‘cut and paste' of statements from multiple sources;

  • Presenting as independent, work done in collaboration with others;

  • Copying or adapting another student's original work into a submitted assessment item;

  • Copying or adapting a student’s own work submitted in a previous essay or assessment;

  • Alternatively, there will be instances when a student unintentionally fails to cite sources or to do so adequately.

Careless or inadequate referencing or failure to reference will be considered poor practice. Where careless referencing is identified, the student will be required to correct the error and resubmit an assignment.

How to reference

At Academy of Entrepreneurs, students are to be encouraged to apply the Harvard Referencing System in-text citation. This approach requires three pieces of information about a source within the text of the students work. This information is:

  • the name of the author or authors

  • the year of publication

  • the page number/s.


Citations may be placed at the end of a sentence (before the concluding punctuation) in brackets, for example:

  • To succeed, the team will rely on both task process and group process (Dwyer, Hopwood 2010, p. 239)

A reference may be placed in the text to integrate the author’s surname into the sentence, followed by the year of publication and page number, in brackets, for example:

  • Dwyer and Hopwood (2010, p. 239) identify that to succeed, the team will rely on both task process and group process.

Reference List

At the end of the students work, a List of References should be included. This should include all the books, journal articles and other sources of information you have used to research your assignment. The reference list should be laid out alphabetically, the title of the source should be italicised and each reference should include:

  • the name of the author or authors

  • the year of publication

  • the title of the publication

  • the edition of publication

  • the publisher

  • place of publication.

Example: Dwyer, J and Hopwood, N, 2010, Management Strategies and Skills, Sydney, McGraw Hill Australia

Common Knowledge

In every field, there is a body of knowledge and material that has become part of the public domain and which can be drawn on without specific acknowledgment. Common knowledge includes facts that are generally known, such as common facts of history, common sense information, accepted folklore and aphorisms that have been adopted as part of common English language.

As examples, it would not be necessary to reference the following:

  • That John Howard was the Prime Minister of Australia (common fact of history)

  • That humans need food and water for survival (common sense observation)

  • That the “Bunyip” is a man-eating Australian animals that live in water-holes, swamps and creeks (accepted Australian folklore).


Cheating is defined as ‘a form of deceit with a view to gaining an advantage for the cheat’. At Academy of Entrepreneurs, cheating is usually related to taking unauthorised material into assessments. Academy of Entrepreneurs’ trainers have a responsibility to explain clearly expectations related to any assessment, what constitutes cheating, and to promote a climate of honesty in students.

Staff responsibilities

Academy of Entrepreneurs’ staff are responsible to:

  • Inform all students of expectations related to assessment;

  • Inform all students of referencing techniques and provide clear examples of what is acceptable;

  • Explain to students what constitutes plagiarism;

  • Set realistic assessment activities and vary assignments and questions;

  • Assist students to understand and apply correct referencing techniques;

  • Set appropriate conditions for group activities and make clear the distinction between group work and individual work; and

  • Cultivate a climate of mutual respect for original work.

Student responsibilities

Students are responsible to:

  • Submit only work that is their own or that properly acknowledges the ideas, interpretations, words or creative works of others;

  • Avoid lending original work to others for any reason;

  • Be clear about assessment conditions and seek clarification if in doubt;

  • Be clear about what is appropriate referencing and the consequences of inappropriate referencing;

  • Discourage others from plagiarising by observing the practices above.

Dealing with plagiarism

In the case of suspected plagiarism, the staff member will report the incident to the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the staff member will determine if the plagiarism has resulted from poor academic practice or was intentional. This preliminary step may involve an informal interview with the student.

The Chief Executive Officer and staff member will:

  • consider the extent of the plagiarism (noting that the more extensive the plagiarism, the more likely it was intentional);

  • review the course profile and other information provided to students by the trainer to determine if adequate information had been given;

  • identify if the student has been previously warned of plagiarism;

  • determine whether the student is new to adult vocational education and training (it would be expected that continuing students would be more likely to understand plagiarism and its consequences).

If the above factors have been considered and it has been determined that the plagiarism has arisen from poor academic practice, the student is to be requested to revise the work and resubmit it for the assessment.

If, after consideration of the above factors it is determined that the plagiarism was intentional, the student’s work is not to be accepted and the student is to be issued with an alternative assessment assignment to complete. The student is to be given a formal warning (in writing) by the Chief Executive Officer explaining the seriousness of the incident and the consequences if the student is found to plagiarise again.

Students who commit plagiarism after being formally warned are to be dealt with according to the Behaviour Misconduct Policy.

Student Support Service Policy

Academy of Entrepreneurs will support students in adjusting to study and life in Australia by requiring students to undertake an orientation program. The orientation program will be undertaken the week prior to the course start date and will include information about:

  • support services available to assist overseas students to help them adjust to study and life in Australia;

  • English language and study assistance programs;

  • relevant legal services;

  • emergency and health services;

  • Academy of Entrepreneurs’ facilities and resources;

  • the complaints and appeals process;

  • requirements for course attendance and progress;

  • the support services available to assist students with general or personal circumstances that are adversely affecting their education in Australia;

  • services students can access for information on their employment rights and conditions, and how to resolve workplace issues, such as through the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will give relevant information, or provide referrals as appropriate, to students who request assistance in relation to available support services to help them adjust to study and life in Australia, at no additional cost to the student.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will offer support and facilitate access to learning support services to students to enable them to achieve expected learning outcomes, at no additional cost to the student.

The Success Manager is the official point of contact for students.

All Academy of Entrepreneurs staff members who interact directly with students are aware of Academy of Entrepreneurs’ obligations under the ESOS framework and the potential implications for overseas students arising from the exercise of these obligations.

Academy of Entrepreneurs will:

  • take all reasonable steps to provide a safe environment on campus and will advise students and staff on actions they can take to enhance their personal security and safety;

  • provide information to students about how to seek assistance for and report an incident that significantly impacts on their wellbeing, including critical incidents; and

  • refer students to general information on safety and awareness relevant to life in Australia.

Request for Official Documentation

Students requesting for Official Documentation must complete the Certification Form and send it to

Official Documentation will not be provided if students have any outstanding fees, fines or loans.

Request for Access to Personal Information

Student can authorise third parties to access their personal information. Students must complete the Request for Access to Personal Information Form to request their personal information be granted access to external third parties. Completed form must be sent to


Bus Train Ferry Information Line

PH: 131 500

An OPAL Card is for use on buses, trains and ferries. It’s free to get, the student just has to top up the credit for travelling. The opal card can be ordered online, at newsagents or at the train station. There are also free bus timetables available. For all Sydney Trains and Ferries you need to get an Opal card from a rail station or order online:

Useful Contacts & Information

The following is a list of some important phone numbers that students may find useful:

Emergency - Police / Ambulance /Fire


Department of Home Affairs

131 881

Allianz (OHSC)

13 67 42

Health Services Australia (Medical Examination)

8396 0600

Public Transport Information Line

131 500

Lifeline Counselling Service (telephone counselling)

131 114

Translating and Interpreting Service (24 hours)

13 14 50

Taxis Combined

13 33 00

Consulates: To find a country’s consulate address and details:

Life in Sydney

Academy of Entrepreneurs is located in Pyrmont, around a 10 minute walk from the centre of Sydney (Town Hall Station).
The campus is conveniently located close to transport facilities, nearby shopping centres, markets, restaurants and entertainment.
Sydney provides one of the best environments for unique learning and social experiences.
For further Information about living in Sydney, can be found at

What to do in Sydney

Students can experience many activities including but not limited to music, art, opera, sport or outdoor activities, students will find something to suit their interests. For information on what to do and what’s happening in and around Sydney refer to the following:

Daily Newspapers:

Sydney Morning Herald: Metro guide every Friday

The Daily Telegraph: “7 Days” every Thursday

Free Publications:

Beat Magazine - Music, concerts etc.

Sydney: The Official Guide – Tourist information booklet

Can be found outside newsagents, in music/video stores & tourist information centers etc.



For tickets to upcoming sporting matches, shows, musicals, concerts & other major events

Ph: 9266 4800



On Tuesday nights, most movies are half price and cinema details can be found in the newspaper’s entertainment section or on the cinema’s website:



Greater Union:


The following is a list of some of the most popular sightseeing destinations in Sydney