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October 18, 2021

Chiara Di Giorgio
New series of events funded by Study NSW

AE Receives Funding from Australian Government to Empower International Students. Find the list of events here.   This is the second time we have been selected to provide a series of empowering w...

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October 12, 2021

ASCUN Joins Academy of Entrepreneurs with the Mission to rebuild the Economy

ASCUN  Joins Academy of Entrepreneurs’   Boss Your Economy program with  89 universities and 2.6 million students. We are honored to welcome ASCUN (Association of Colombian Universities) and...

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October 5, 2021

Dell & the Academy of Entrepreneurs Unite to Create Impact and Empower

Students, Teachers and Parents across Australia Did you know that according to UNESCO 50% of the world’s student population has not attended school during the COVID-19 pandemic? And that, according ...

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September 29, 2021


 A startup can have a fantastic and brilliant idea, but that’s often not enough. The founder also needs capital to finance the project. Crowdfunding is a very clever way to finance startups and...

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September 16, 2021

Academy of Entrepreneurs Partners with – Singapore 

Academy of Entrepreneurs is over the moon to announce that we have partnered with, a leading fashion design school in Singapore to teach Entrepreneurship. is a world renowned specialist ...

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September 1, 2021

AE selected by NSW Government Funding

AE Receives $48,000 in Funding to Empower International Students from Australian Government  The Australian Government has announced $360,000 in NSW Government funding for the 2021-22 Study NSW Partn...

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July 31, 2021

Academy of Entrepreneurs Launches Investment Fund

As part of the growing demand we are experiencing and in keeping with our company mission: “To empower students with the entrepreneurial skills, network and funds to succeed” we launche...

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June 2, 2021

Kate Hajdas
Meet Yuka, an Inspiring Female Entrepreneur Success Story

Our community is so much more than our legends (students) and teachers. It’s the thousands of people that are actively participating in Academy of Entrepreneurs from around the world, including high...

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