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January 25, 2022

Paula Mills
Why should we care about Women Entrepreneurship?

Female entrepreneurs make up approximately 30% of all entrepreneurs globally. It is time for us to unite our forces and unlock the full potential so we can reach at least 50%!  🙂 Female entreprene...

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January 20, 2022

Visa Charged to be Waived for International Students and Working Holiday Makers

Starting today International students and working holiday makers who arrive in Australia will have their visa application fees rebated to encourage more to enter the country. Prime Minister Scott Morr...

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December 1, 2021

Why this year I will buy a Dell computer

Why buy a Dell Computer?   Computers are the perfect Christmas present, especially for the younger generations, nowadays going to school is a synonym of BYC, or bringing your own computer. Headin...

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November 22, 2021

Chiara Di Giorgio
Financial freedom and entrepreneurs empowerment with Chartered Accountants ANZ

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand is one of the leading professional associations of leaders in business and finance in Australia and New Zealand. CA ANZ’s mission is building a w...

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November 22, 2021

The entrepreneurs Mindset Masterclass with Enrique Vargas

What we have learned from Enrique Vargas del Campo Salinas, strategic partner manager from Google during the exclusive program “Boss your Economy”. Here  is what we have learned: 1)  Ent...

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November 17, 2021

Chiara Di Giorgio
4 Mindfulness masterclasses with Ush Dhanak

We got an early Christmas present just for you. Mindfulness masterclasses for impact funded by Study NSW in partnership with Academy of Entrepreneurs. We have put together 4 masterclasses in just one ...

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November 15, 2021

4 Employability masterclasses with Enrique Vargas from Google

This week we are launching a new series of masterclasses for impact funded by Study NSW in partnership with  Academy of Entrepreneurs. The aim of these masterclasses is to offer international student...

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November 13, 2021

Instagram tips from digital strategist Majilly

Májilly is a Digital Marketing strategist, mother of twins, and CEO of Zapme Group.   With more than 200 thousand people on her social media channels, she has been launching significant projects sin...

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