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September 9, 2022

100 Top High Schools of Australia Get Entrepreneurship Training  

The Academy of Entrepreneurs has summarized a decade of disruptive entrepreneurship curriculum and strategies into three Masterclasses. It is in partnership with Future Schools, intending to empower t...

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August 27, 2022

Academy of Entrepreneurs creates jobs for 600 students in Guatemala in partnership with Marriott Hotel in Australia 

“More than 46,000 hospitality jobs are currently advertised online but industry leaders say the real shortage may be much higher” SBS on Demand vs. “Youth unemployment rate in Guatemala is at 7....

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August 27, 2022

1000+ new Peruvian students will become impact entrepreneurs

Thank you! Piura University, for inviting the Academy of Entrepreneurs this September  to host our four-week “Idea to Business hackathon” program for your students. Over the coming four weeks, we...

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August 23, 2022

Impact Internship will empower 25,000 students at TIP Philippines

Students can’t find jobs, versus not-for-profits don’t have the budget for talent. At the Academy of Entrepreneurs, we don’t wait for change; we create it! We are excited to announce...

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August 22, 2022

100 Most Innovative Schools in Australia wanted

Is your School ready for the challenge? The Academy of Entrepreneurs team at Head Office has partnered with Australia’s most innovative blue-chip enterprises to create a 5-week Scholarship in Te...

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August 22, 2022

#BossYourFuture Website Launch

We are excited to announce that we launched today our new website to promote our 100 school scholarship program What is the #BossYourFuture Program? A 5-week fun and engaging...

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August 22, 2022

Kimiyo Aizawa

In collaboration with Study NSW, the Academy of Entrepreneurs has been building and running a series of employability events to help international students find their dream job. The last event was hel...

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July 19, 2022

Kimiyo Aizawa
Study Nsw, Amazon And Academy Of Entrepreneurs Powertalk For Getting A Job

In collaboration with Study NSW, the Academy of Entrepreneurs has been building and running a series of employability events to help international students find their dream job. This time, we have had...

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