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June 22, 2020

Resources for Securing New Clients During the COVID-19 Slowdown

When you’re self-employed, you know that you need to reach out to potential new clients on a regular basis if you want to grow your business.

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June 11, 2020

Miguel A. Castro and Luis Erazo
What is Design Thinking and why you need to learn it TODAY

Design Thinking in the most basic terms is applying the strategic thinking behind design using a human-centered approach. In a sense it flips the way creating products, companies, services, and anythi...

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June 11, 2020

Miguel A. Castro and Luis Erazo
Why Startups fail?

There are hundreds of reasons why companies, especially startups, fail. It could be the economy in the country, exchange rate when buying products, new competition, bigger competition, new fads and pr...

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May 25, 2020

ALABC’s free webinar: The Future of the International Education Industry Post-Pandemic

We are inviting you to join ALABC's free webinar this 28th May, 5pm on: The Future of the International Education Industry Post-Pandemic.

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May 19, 2020

Meet Sofia, Photography Entrepreneur

Sofia’s dream was to live abroad as soon as possible.

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May 8, 2020

Miguel A. Castro
5 Silly ideas that turned into an amazing business

How many times a week, a day, even an hour sometimes, have you had an idea that for a second sounded genius, and then on second thought it just sounded silly or crazy?

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May 5, 2020

Rodrigo Alvarez
12 top tips for entrepreneurs to find the perfect business name – dos and don’ts

So, you have a great product, you have a great idea, you have a business plan and a Social Media and PR strategy and you are almost ready to launch! 

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May 5, 2020

Rodrigo Alvarez
5 Tips on how to work from home 

Working from home is not easy, we are enticed by a mirage of us in pajamas and watching tv while we work, no tedious office light or lame cubicles, no commuting etc etc etc.

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