| Academy of Entrepreneurs

Market Analysis & Business Opportunities

BSBFIN501 Manage budgets and financial plans

Making well-informed market decisions will help you develop & implement effective & successful strategies

The key to success is taking the time to understand the market, identifying new business opportunities, recognizing new areas for expansion, and increasing your customer base.

In this program you will also explore 30+ business models to help you put together your startup’s plan for making a profit. It will give you the knowledge to identify the products or services your startup will sell, the target market it has identified, and the expenses it anticipates.

Business model will help you to figure out elements such as:

  • Your business concept – what problem are you solving and for whom;
  • How you will create customer value;
  • How your product or service will get to customers; How your business will stay competitive;
  • And all revenue and costs you can anticipate.

Did you know?

  • Business Models and Market Research is one of the first thing investors look at.


About the course

Classes: 100% Taught by Entrepreneurs
Duration: 3 weeks
Plus: 3hr of One-on-One Mentoring valued at $1000