September 9, 2022 | Academy of Entrepreneurs

100 Top High Schools of Australia Get Entrepreneurship Training  

The Academy of Entrepreneurs has summarized a decade of disruptive entrepreneurship curriculum and strategies into three Masterclasses. It is in partnership with Future Schools, intending to empower the Top 100 Australian High School Principals and their Teachers on how to teach entrepreneurship so that their students can turn their ideas into impactful businesses with paying customers within 5-weeks.

“Everyone is talking about how education needs to change. We don’t wait for change; we create it. That’s why we decided to donate our knowledge & tools to contribute to the disruption in Australian High Schools. It has been a great experience meeting 100 Principals & 500 Teachers in 28 days and seeing their eyes shine with excitement during each of the three  Masterclasses we ran for them. The Australian education system is 100% ready for change & innovation. They are super motivated & implementing all the suggestions we share and get unreal results. It’s been such a fulfilling project.”

– Paula Mills, CEO of the Academy of Entrepreneurs

Want to disrupt your High School?

Here are three masterclass to get you started

How to start a business in 45mins with zero Dollars 


  • Learn how to turn any idea → into a REAL business in 10 simple steps with $0!
  • Understand how to test an idea and find the first customer
  • Get access to the best free tools and frameworks that famous entrepreneurs used to succeed

Six-steps to mentoring student entrepreneurs

  • Matching the right mentors to your students for success
  • How to create trust between your students and mentors
  • The power of Goal Setting
  • How to ask the right questions when mentoring
  • How to track your student’s progress & keep them motivated
  • The Power of celebrating achievements

How to Manage (& Make) Money as a Student Entrepreneur

  • The Golden Rule of Personal Finances
  • The Power of Goal Setting: S.M.A.R.T S Goals
  • Planning your expenses! (budgeting)
  • The power of Saving
  • Investing for a Better Tomorrow in social enterprises
  • Bonus: Revenue Models

Want to enhance the entrepreneurship  culture in you schools?

Lets talk 🙂

Book a call with Tati via

Academy of Entrepreneurs creates jobs for 600 students in Guatemala in partnership with Marriott Hotel in Australia 

PAREF Southridge Year 12 Students Commenced System and New Technology Masterclasses This Week

Academy of Entrepreneurs
